Setting up SSO with CMNTY and Google G-Suite

  This article explains how to set up SAML-based SSO (Single Sign-On) between CMNTY Platform and G-Suite (Google), where G-Suite will be your Identity Provider and CMNTY Platform will be your Service Provider. This works with corporate Google accounts (which are part of G-Suite), not regular Gmail accounts. Configuring the identity provider […]

Using dynamic user groups

CMNTY Journey tip #12 Our twelfth stop of your Journey is to explore how to segment content to specific users for relevance. Our Dynamic User Group system allows for automatic updates to groups based on engagement, profile details, and responses to questions within the platform. You can automatically populate user […]

Importing CSV files

You can import members from a CSV file. You may want to do this when you have a list containing email addresses and additional profile information (i.e. first and last names, pre-screening preferences, etc.). You can upload your CSV file by following the steps below: Go to Participants at the top menu […]

Using the Sandbox platform

Sandbox platforms can be used to make exact copies of existing platforms, except that no notifications or emails can be sent from a sandbox platform to users. Simply synchronize a sandbox platform with a live platform and use it, e.g. to test an impact of a software update, design changes […]

Optimizing your platform’s SEO settings

Allowing search engines to your platform means that platform content can show up in results of search engines like Google. Note that allowing search engines only applies to open platforms. There are several settings for SEO. Follow these steps to make sure that your platform can be found in the search […]

Setting the platform status

Platform Status allows admins to select the visibility of your platform and its content. Available platform statuses are: Open When the platform status is set to Open, the platform will be open for everyone. Members don’t need to log in to see content, but they do need an account to […]

Setting up SAML-based SSO (Single Sign-On)

With SSO (Single Sign-On), you can login to multiple systems with the same login credentials. You can now use SSO with your community platform. Your members can enter a single username and password once and get secure access across different applications including your community. For example, CMNTY Platform and your […]

Configuring Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

What is 2FA? You can make the login process more secure by using the two-factor authentication method. With two-factor authentication (often called 2FA), you can add a second layer of protection to your account and that of your community members. When activated, each time you log in, the system will […]

Widgets Used For Participants

The Member Statistics widget The Your Member Statistics widget can show a user an overview of their statistics. This can be their remaining points, user rank, badges, user profile completeness, and the date that they became a user. An important goal of this widget can be to remind and update […]