Video Embedding

Embedding a video means that you can integrate a video from elsewhere on the internet (for example from YouTube) to your content. We support video embedding from YouTube and Vimeo.

To embed a video to your platform, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Youtube or Vimeo page of the video that you want to embed and copy the embed embedding
  2. Go to Blog or your preferred module under Activities.
  3. Choose Add or Edit and place your cursor in the text where you want to add the video. Press on the insert video icon in the text editor.insert video
  4. A pop up will show where you can add the embed code. Paste the embed code in the field.
  5. Press insert to see the video appear in your text.embed video

As a Moderator, you can embed videos in a Blog article, Challenge, Journal assignment, Questionnaire (and its questions), Webshop item, Custom Pages, Custom Elements, and in the Default Messages.

Participants cannot embed videos on the platform