This instruction explains what changes need to be made to your DNS in order for you to be able to use Amazon’s SES (Simple Email server) to send emails from your own domain from a CMNTY Platform.
The changes need to be made to the DNS settings of your email domain. Please note that the email domain name does not necessarily match the domain name of your platform. The values provided dynamic values provided by Amazon.
Follow the steps below:
- Add a record name and value to your DNS by adding the following records to your DNS settings:
Record Type Record Name Value Text (TXT) pYm/ZhrKMmoPTOkcxueh91wTVAq3M/
No15bKR81hRaY=Or, as an alternate option, add these:
Record Type Record Name Value Text (TXT) amazonses:pYm/ZhrKMmoPTOkcxueh91wTVAq3M/
No15bKR81hRaY=In case your DNS provider does not support underscores in record names, remove _amazonses from the record name.
- Check if it worked by opening MX Toolbox engine. Available at:
- Enter your Domain Name. The engine will test and display all of the TXT records in your domain. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours before records are displayed.
- Set up DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) to avoid your emails ending up in a Spam folder of a user’s mailbox by adding the records listing below:
Record Type Record Name Value CNAME nfipjybsduzzjuqagxr6yg3glsvpa7
dkim.amazonses.comCNAME rns7egt5blk2j2nk2g2zempgnbqt
5sp.dkim.amazonses.comCNAME phurnno7zfv42e65oy2upjogsts6
zrtd._domainkey.cmnty.comphurnno7zfv42e65oy2upjogsts6 - Check if it worked by opening the MX Toolbox engine. This is available at:
- Enter your domain name. The engine will display all of the CNAME records in your domain. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours before the records are displayed.