All default messages can be found and changed by following these steps:
Default messages
Login message
This is a text which you can add to the login page. You can welcome your participants or give extra information about the platform.
Welcome message
This text will appear on the homepage of your CMNTY Platform. On the welcome text, it’s very important to explain the goal of the project, what is expected from the participant, how long the project continues, how many tasks there will be, how many minutes are needed per day, how the participant can reach the moderator in case they have questions, when / how incentives will be given, etc. You can also use shortcodes to show usernames, first/last name, the time of the user’s last visit, or the number of participants that are currently online to make the message more personal.
Footer message
The footer message is the text that will appear at the bottom of each page in the front-end of your CMNTY Platform, with the exception of the login and registration pages.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions can be used to inform your participants about the rules and requirements of participation in your community. When Terms and Conditions are activated, users will have to accept them in order to complete registration.
Privacy Policy
As part of our compliance roll-out, we have added a Privacy Statement so you can inform your participants of how you will use their data. This statement is a template and should be completed with relevant information regarding how you will use your project’s data.
Cookie message
The cookie message can be used to inform your participants your platform uses cookies to, for example, remember user logins, sessions, default languages, time zones, and/or page settings. When third-party software is integrated with your platform (for example Google Analytics), they may also use cookies. Activate the cookie message at:
- Go to Configure at the top menu in Admin.
- Choose General at the left menu.
- Choose Platform Configuration.
- Under Options, flip Cookie Message to ON.
Invite message
This message is used whenever you generate a new platform invitation. While this can save you time, you can always edit the invite title and text for specific invites before sending if you wish to customize them. The invite title is the email subject and the message is the body of the email. You can change the text of the invite message, but please leave the {acceptlink} shortcode untouched. We also strongly recommend that you do not change or copy/paste the accept link because if the link breaks the users won’t be able to sign up. In case you use the decline link, please do not change or copy/paste this link either.
Decline message
When a user clicks on the decline link in the platform type, he/she will be directed to this message. If you do not want members to be able to decline an invite, you can remove the decline link from the invite. When an invite is declined, it will be moved from the ‘open invites’ tab to the ‘declined invites’ tab. Declined invites cannot be resent.
To see which members declined an invite, you can view the declined invites tab:
- Go to Participants at the top menu in Admin.
- Choose Users.
- Choose Invites then Declined Invites.