Using the API



An application programming interface (API) is a bridge that allows 2 systems to interact with each other and exchange data. CMNTY Platform comes within API, and this, for example, could be used to get data out of CMNTY platform using third-party software. 

There are 3 important things to note about CMNTY’s API:

  1. The CMNTY API calls are URL-based and communicate information on parameters.
  2. The CMNTY API uses Basic Auth for authentication. It is a RESTful API that returns JSON.
  3. The CMNTY API can be implemented with software using PHP, Ruby or any other language that can handle RESTful requests and JSON.

How to set it  up

1. You start by setting up an API client.

Within your platform, you can create a new API client by navigating to Configure -> API -> API Client.

  1. When creating a new API client, you only have to fill in a name. It’s easiest for you if you give it a name that matches with the application that is going to connect with the API.
  2. After giving it a name, you can view the token by clicking “View” within the API client.
  3. You can connect with the API by adding the Authorization header to your requests. Make sure that you state that it’s a Basic Auth method and provide your username and password as a base64 encoded string:

Authorization: Basic aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY=
“aHR0cHdhdGNoOmY=” is a base64 encoded string (clientname:token)

2. Call to API by using one or more of its end-points

Our API documentation describes which calls you can make to our API. The docs are included within your platform. See Configure > API -> Documentation.

Rate limit
Please note that the API is rate limited to a maximum 250 of requests per hour. Please contact us if you want to discuss raising the limit.


Specific use cases or special wishes?

If you have questions about getting access to the CMNTY API or would like to talk about a specific use case that you would like to explore, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Read more about the capabilities of our platform here!

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