Reported Content

The Report feature is supported within Analyze menu where Moderators can review existing reports for resolution and set-up auto-report settings to automatically label content for review in the Reports section.


In Forum, Challenge, and Blog modules, users have the ability to report inappropriate topics, ideas, and comments through the flagging tool automatically enabled for the member role.

All users can report inappropriate content through the flag on each comment and topic. When reporting, the user can select the reason for the report from the following options: Inappropriate Content, Spam or Irrelevant Content, & Other.

Reported content is marked for review in the Reported Content section and notifies Moderators, so they are aware of the flagged post. All Moderators with access to Analyze can resolve a report and includes the date reported, whether anyone resolved the report, and links to the post and author’s user profile in Pulse.

Resolved reports will remain in Reported Content section for additional review.


You can also manually enter a list of keywords to automatically report content that includes those keywords for review in the Settings gear on the top-right of the Reported Content section. These keywords can be anything you want your Moderators to review, whether you are looking for specific content or to prevent abuse within the platform.

Content flagged from these keywords will be visible to all Moderators. These reports are listed under the Other category with CMNTY as the reporter, so your team will all be aware of which content is auto-reported.

Profanity Filtering

Within Reported Content, you can enable Profanity Filter on the English language by clicking the gear button and selecting Yes on the drop-down. Based on a predefined list of keywords, any content within the challenge or forum module will automatically be replaced with asterisks. The following versions of the word “bitch” will automatically be replaced with “*****”: B1tch, bi7tch, b.i.t.c.h., b-i-t-c-h, b.1.t.c.h., ßitch.  

Profanity Filter is currently limited to English language only. Content filtered will not be reported and is an automatic function of the front-end.